Emily Burke

Tumbling/Lyrical/Competition Team Instructor

How long have you been a dancer?

 21+ years!

What is your favorite dance style?

All of them! I love lyrical the most.

What is your role at Legacy Dance Center? (i.e., Teacher -Style, age group)

Teacher - Hip Hop/Jazz to 8-10 years old, Lyrical to 14+ years old

What dance/choreography is your favorite as a student at RDC with Wendi?

Any of my trio dances.

What is one lesson Wendi taught you that has stuck with you?

Don’t stop doing something until it is perfect. Keep working at it until it won’t go wrong.

Who is your favorite Disney hero or heroine? Would you trade places with them?

Moana is my fav. Yes, I would. She is brave and lives at the beach!

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